

Sonntag, 11. November 2012

Germans and knock-knock jokes

Except for strange toilet meetings, a fascination for football and weird sexual fantasies, the Germans have another non-Belgian habit. The first time I went to the Westfälische Fachhochschule –the university in which I study Journalism and PR- this phenomenon occurred. The teacher explained the political institutions of the country and the pupils were listening to his highly interesting stories when I noticed that the lesson should be over soon. I was shuffling on my very comfortable seat –If you weigh more than 25 kilos your belly will get stuck between the foldable table and your leaning piece- waiting for this nightmare to end. All of a sudden our educator stopped talking. An awkward silence took over the room. During five seconds no one said a single word. What were we supposed to do? Just keep quiet and leave? Wait until the Great Leader would leave the room? I didn’t know, so I managed to stand up. While doing this, a wild uncontrolled noise appeared. It became louder and louder. I thought the Germans were preparing World War Three (kaboom tssjj…stupid joke, part one!).

I looked up and saw all those people knocking on their tables, like monkeys that escaped from the local zoo. What were they doing? I was thinking of a stupid knock-knock joke.
“Who’s there?”
“The Gestapo.”
“The Gestapo who?”
“Ve ask ze questions, du Schwein!”

You’ll never guess that was stupid joke, part two…

It was a disappointment. They were just showing respect by applauding for the teacher. He was smiling. They all have a beautiful smile! It always makes me happy when they proudly show us the wonderful meal they ate the previous day. It makes me hungry sometimes. Besides that, Germans have another school ritual. When they need to pee, they really need to pee. They just stand up in the middle of a lecture, leave the room and do what they need to do. Without asking permission! In Belgium that would be an insult, but here it’s very normal. I don’t know which one shows more respect. In the land of sausages they don’t interrupt anyone, but in the land of beer you want to make sure the teacher knows you’re not in his sight anymore. A hard decision to make. I can’t say what’s best. But I can tell you that the Homo Germanis is a very interesting species to observe…  

Follow me on Twitter: @Nilox_

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